Linux + .NET Core + ASP.NET Core + Docker

Microsoft ♥ Linux

Earlier this month I ran a workshop for Readify Queensland on Linux, .NET Core, ASP.NET Core and Docker.

The entire workshop is freely available on GitHub and pull requests are welcomed.

Please drop me a line or a tweet if you have any feedback or questions.

Developer Health Check (2015 Edition)

Developer Health Check (2015 Edition)

Last month I presented my Developer Health Check (2015 Edition) at the Brisbane Software Improvement Group.

There’s no video or audio for the presentation, but I thought make the slide deck available on Speaker Deck in any case.

Please drop me a line or a tweet if you have any feedback or questions.

Jekyll on Windows

Get Started With Jekyll

Jekyll is a simple blog-aware static website generator written in Ruby in which you can author your content in Markdown and host your site in GitHub Pages.

Windows is the operating system tour de force.

Whoa! That’s great Tod but you’re way ahead of yourself as is usual for you…

So maybe I got a little ahead of myself there so let’s go back to the beginning.

If you like you can jump straight to the installation guide.